FDEarth aims to demonstrate the feasibility of image–data on-bord for locating fires in real time. It will be developed a prototype microprocesore dedicated to the processing of remote sensing data and able to perform “heavy” scientific calculations, despite the small size and the low dispersing power. The processors are hardware devices FGPS. This’ allows their configuration, to obtain hundreds of parallel processors with few HW units. The Fire detection is obtained through an appropriate method able to recognize the characteristics of fires present both at the level of infrared images and visible.
Cliente: ESA-ESTEC, Agenzia Spaziale Europea – Centro Europeo Spaziale di Ricerca e Tecnologia: Bando di Innovazione Tecnologica LET-SME, Rif. AO/1-3959/01/NL/PB; Numero Contratto: 15819/01/NL/LvH Ruolo Kell: Unico Contractor