The objective of IGEA Sat project is to provide home care services with high added value through innovative technologies, contributing to the outstanding issues of the digital divide.

The project is focused on service provisioning. Trade chain full of home care services for patients has been integrated with existing technologies and then tested during the pilot testing phase.

The services provided to patients at home are:

  • Video Monitoring & Support
  • Doctor Online
  • Remote Check-Up
  • Multi-Channel Personalized Medical Information (MSME)

IGEA SAT restructures the interaction between patients and staff, creating easier communication between users and doctors, in order to engage and help people stay healthy, organizing and motivating themselves to track their progress. IGEA SAT offers a range of services related to health and makes them available to citizens directly in their “everyday environment” by moving the center of health-related interventions by the “medical establishment” for him/her and his/her daily environment.

IGEA SAT is a platform using satellite communications provides support services, remote monitoring and edutainment that patients can access through a set-top box (STB) and an interactive.

Cliente: ESA – ESTEC, Agenzia Spaziale Europea, European Space Research and Technology Center

Ruolo Kell: Subcontractor