ESA and ASI invest again in Telemedicine with the project Kosmomed, aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the remote medical practice through satellite telecommunications.

After some successful preliminary experiences, that have demonstrated the validity of Telemedicine, ESA (European Space Agency), in cooperation with ASI (Italian Space Agency) and a team of companies and scientific institutions, coordinated by Kell srl, wants to explore through KosmoMed new applications of the remote medicine with solutions that may address both the needs of the customer patient and the National Sanitary Service, that is facing the challenge to reduce its costs (spending review) and keep up with the new technologies to provide a high quality offer.

This new ESA and ASI project wants to be a clear response to what is requested by the Digital Agenda 2020, where the European Commission clearly refers to the importance of the remote medicine and asks to encourage the development of the remote medical services, cleaning away all the barriers that have prevented this process until now. This position has been stated by the Conferenza Stato Regioni as well, which in February 2013 has approved and acknowledged, the first national guidelines for Telemedicine.

KosmoMed was born with the intent to develop a family of innovative products and services, for the medical practice, based on the Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and in particular on satellite telecommunications. It is known that satellite telecommunications offer the advantage to guarantee the quality of service (Qos) and of the experience (QoE) expected by the medical personnel using these tools.

Starting from this main consideration, KosmoMed project proposes a novel paradigm for Satellite Telemedicine Solution which involves the development of a Bandwidth Reservation Mechanism integrated with a data protection infrastructure. This allows a coordinated access to the Service Platform including a guaranteed, on-demand bandwidth allocation and associated billing, which is finally able to satisfy the QoE required for professional and sustainable telemedicine services.

The project is focused on technology research, aimed to the creation of a platform, equipped by “vertical” applications supported by the results acquired through the bio-medical space research conducted by ASI itself. Kosmoed intends to significantly contribute to both the development and the actual usage of satellite Telemedicine, which is now ready to satisfy the medical needs of every citizen especially because it is completely free from geographical, time and sociocultural barriers.Sito Web:

Cliente:ESA, Agenzia Spaziale Europes

Ruolo Kell:Primo Contraente

Partner: Open Sky, CNIT: Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni, MEDTRONIC s.p.a, UNIROMA 1 Dipartimento di Medicina sperimentale, UNIROMA 1 Dipartimento di ingegneria informatica, Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, UNIVERSITY “Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, UNIROMA 1 DivDipartimento di Chirurgia, Specializzazione Chirurgica e Trapianto di Organi “Paride Stefanini, Università di Roma “La Sapienza” Clinica Dermatologica, Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche, Karol Wojtyla Hospital