The Mayflower project uses techniques of satellite telecommunications as multicasting IP, IP/DVB, feedback channel Internet to enable the delivery of university courses in medicine. Two groups of participants used the system, one in Italy, led by the University of Perugia, focused on nursing science. The other, based in Norway, led by the University of Tromsoe, in nursing and medicine. The students have attended university courses in Perugia from home or at the university classrooms.

The system tested in this project can easily be used in other educational sectors, especially the Continuing Medical Education (CME). Tele-education, understood as a way of delivering content, monitor and evaluate community of students, it is one of the more natural systems of telecommunication satellite-based Internet.

We summarize the main features of the project:

  • The system is based on a software product developed by Kell (J – Study) dedicated to tele -Education and running at the service center Elsacom Avezzano, where he also runs the Uplink
  • The training modules are made from slides and video content and are collected in the central database at the service center.
  • The data flow is asymmetrical, using satellite telecommunications. The roles of the participants are logically assigned by the software and not depend on the characteristics of the terminal
  • The content is collected in a hierarchical form in a relational database. This will be granted access to structured courses and large amounts of multimedia content is managed and maintained centrally so well ordered.
  • Access to content is granted conditionally based on user privileges. The tutor will grant access to appropriate teaching materials.
  • The content is sent off-line to students through multicast satellite on a regular scheduled basis or on demand of the students.
  • The online sessions are devoted to tutoring, or based on the content already moved off line, or on content on -line.
  • evaluation forms may be administered to students to make periodic proficiency tests.
  • The software includes a management system (LMS) for users and content administration.

The Department of Medicine of the University has been involved in the preparation of courses and pilot tests. The University has a strong commitment to e-learning. This is also demonstrated by the direct participation of dell’Università Rector, Prof. Francesco Bistoni, in one of the courses.

Cliente: ESA – ESTEC, Agenzia Spaziale Europea, European Space Research and Technology Center

Ruolo Kell: Prime

Partner: National Senter for Telemedicine – Tromsoe Norway, Elsacom, Università degli Studi di Perugia – Italy