NESA (Next-generation Emergency Satellite Assistance) is a system for on-field radiology and diagnosis. It is carried out integrating a digital X-Ray apparatus and vital signs devices on-board an emergency vehicle. Data, including X-Ray images, are transferred via satellite for remote analysis. The personnel on the field is in contact with the consulting physician giving relevant therapy instructions. The satellite guarantees global operations.

Current emergency procedures foresee the transportation of all patients to a central emergency department employed in a not optimized way.

Thanks to the capabilities provided by the NESA platform, the emergency vehicle can bring patients directly to the most appropriate destination (including the emergency department), optimizing timing and saving resources. In many cases transportation can be avoided.

Medical personnel in charge of patient assistance is then able to access via Internet shared patient data from their location and give instructions on patient’s destination and immediate care actions.

The main benefits are:

  • Real time on-field diagnosis
  • Routes and dispatching optimization: patient is directed to the most appropriate structure depending on the pathology diagnosed
  • Reduction of emergency departments congestion
  • Cost reduction for on board crew which can be made of specialized paramedics only
  • Patients’ satisfaction improvement

Cliente: ESA – ESTEC, Agenzia Spaziale Europea, European Space Research and Technology Center

Ruolo Kell: Prime contractor

Partner: Aethra Telecommunications S.r.l., Elsacom S.p.A., U.L.SS. (Unità Locale Socio Sanitaria) n. 5 “Ovest Vicentino