TELESAL aims to use technologies of satellite telecommunications to improve or make possible tele-medicine. TELESAL is an open system of applications and telecommunication networks to connect users and providers of telemedicine. In analogy to the application models made familiar from the Internet, which are based on the controlled sharing of information, TELESAL makes available to people who need health-related professional skills the remote analysis of clinical data. This model is useful in many applications of wide interest, such as emergency, home care, tele-consultation among doctors. The operators of Health users of TELESAL are all centers that wish to have their diagnostic capabilities and remote assistance.

Among the main aims of the project is further validation of services that make measurable costs of supply and ensure the appropriateness of medical care by eliminating unnecessary procedures and tests. The key to achieve this objective is the application of ICT to the clinical data processing that makes possible the determination of reimbursement models for the operation assisted by tele-medicine. This facility should be better for patients in terms of lower displacement, lower expectations, more effective diagnostic and therapeutic and cheaper for the health system.

Cliente:ASI, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana

Ruolo Kell:Primo Contraente