The W-MED information service wants provide an operational sea state now-casting chain on Mediterranean Sea based on the use of a specific assimilation technique of satellite and buoys data into forecasted wave fields obtained from WAM model. The accuracy of the measurements, both buoys and satellites, is independent of the dimensions of the basin, so it is possible use them to calibrate the model data in such a way that measured quantities are used to small corrections to a short-range forecast, which is assumed to be good.

Two categories of users can be served by the W-MED information service:

  • fixed users: typically users with a stationary computer or terminal that requires data transmission to and from a network
  • mobile users: typically mobile users (from ports or in navigation) with a smart phone, PDA or other handheld device that requires wireless data transmission

The W-MED information service is designed as a Client-Server architecture and developed within an open source environment.

Cliente: ESA – Agenzia Spaziale Europea

Ruolo Kell: Unico Contraente

Partner: Italian Navy Hydrographic Institute