

The need for communication with the medical staff and especially its formation is dictated not only by the continuous development of research, but also by the need to share experiences and healthcare solutions across geographies also far apart.

The contribution of the satellite in this context is of particular importance to the possibility offered by satellite technology to be able to cover, with its reach, vast areas and the distance from one another, but also the power to connect the hospitals and the different research groups, schools and operations teams.

The first phase of the project involved the development of the technology platform. In particular, the project was born with the name V4DL (Videosat for Distance Learning) has created a solution with the following characteristics:

  • Set-top boxes to be installed at the user premises
  • Satellite reception ensured anywhere in Italy
  • Return channel and interactivity integrated
  • Menu control via infrared keyboard.

The platform designed and developed so it can be installed in any hospital and does not require specific configurations or bandwidth internet at the hospital. The service is independent and receives all satellite content without taking up network resources of the hospital. This makes it simpler to install and manage the service. This way is guaranteed the service at any hospital or not.

The platform allows two main services:

  • – Creation of a catalog of videos to be enjoyed “on demand”
  • – Training support video-based and compatible with the “regulations” ECM.

Cliente: ESA – ESTEC, Agenzia Spaziale Europea, European Space Research and Technology Center

Ruolo Kell: Subcontractor

Partner: Opensky, Sfera

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